Tag: FAA

  • SpaceX Urges FAA to Change “Deeply Flawed” Report on Space Debris Dangers

    SpaceX is objecting to a Federal Aviation Administration report saying it’s to blame for a looming rise in space trash.  The FAA last month published a study on the potentially deadly danger of falling space debris, attributing a large chunk of the risk to future deorbiting SpaceX satellites that could fall to the ground. SpaceX…

  • UPS Will Soon Use Drones For Deliveries In More Areas

    UPS Will Soon Use Drones For Deliveries In More Areas

    Drone delivery progress took another step forward on Wednesday. The Federal Aviation Commission said it authorized two more companies to fly drones beyond the ground operator’s line of sight at, or below, 400 feet.  UPS’s Flight Froward Matternet M2 is cleared to conduct small package deliveries, and uAvoinix Corp.’s Rapace drone can test its detect…