Cord Cutters News

Starlink is Offering Two Free Months of Service to Farmers in This State

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Starlink is offering Nebraskans a less expensive way to connect to the internet. The SpaceX-owned company is giving members of the Nebraska Farm Bureau two months of free service.

At $120 a month for a residential plan, Starlink is still pretty expensive compared to other providers like Verizon or T-Mobile home internet, which costs $50 a month after autopay and paperless billing discounts.

The Nebraska Farm Bureau provides resources to farmers and ranchers, such as scholarships and investing in projects that benefit the community. It’s working with Starlink to better meet the needs of its members and bring more rural families online. Eligible households can sign up for a Starlink account through the NEFB. The offer is available to new customers with an active NEFB membership only.

“Access to high-speed, high-quality broadband service is essential to farmers, ranchers, and rural communities,” said the NEFB

Starlink provides high-speed, low-latency satellite internet to rural areas like Nebraska, but the hefty $599 start-up price can prevent some households from affording service. Residents can put that money towards purchasing equipment by offering two months free. Although $240 doesn’t cover half the cost, many may consider the remaining balance a more manageable expense.

For those outside of Nebraska, new Starlink accounts come with a 30-day free trial and a full hardware refund for anyone who wants to cancel their service. There are no contracts involved, so members can opt out at any time. However, that also means Starlink prices aren’t guaranteed to remain stagnant.

Still, for many rural areas, satellite internet is the only option to get online. Starlink has been expanding its reach and adding more satellites to its already massive constellation, hosting more than 4,500 satellites in Low-Earth orbit, giving the most remote locations a chance to get online for the first time.

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