Cord Cutters News

Save 40% on CuriosityStream for Memorial Day

In honor of Memorial Day, CuriosityStream is giving you 40% off of an annual subscription. You can sign up for just $12/year, the lowest price of the year, now through May 31.

Here’s how to get the deal:

CuriosityStream is the streaming home of science, technology, and history content, with thousands of titles including originals. Explore your favorite topics, learn about new subjects, and indulge your inner geek with thousands of original and specially selected series, specials, and shorts. In the content library, you’ll find titles about everything from dinosaurs to space travel.

The streaming service recently reached 16 million subscribers after releasing a slate of new titles at the beginning of the year, including Ancient Yellowstone, Nature Through Her Eyes, Ancient Engineering, Legends of Speed, and Breakthrough: Perseverance Rover Countdown to Impact.

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