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Netflix Updates ‘My List’ Feature to Make Streaming Easier


Netflix is updating its My List feature to better organize saved series and films for mobile customers. 

Starting today, subscribers with Android devices can filter and sort their My List alphabetically or by release date, most recently added as well as break down future binge-fests by film or series. Members can even filter titles by when selections were added to their My List in addition to whether they’ve started a series or film yet or not.

New seasons of any saved series will appear as they premiere. By default, the most recently added titles will appear first. My List will also notify subscribers if a saved selection is about to retire from the Netflix content library soon.

In addition to a better sorting system, Netflix made it easier to add or remove titles from your list. To add a selection on mobile, just press the “plus” icon on the title card. To remove a selection from My List, simply swipe the title card away. To see the My List category, select the “more” icon on the Netflix app.

These new filters will be a big relief to subscribers who overindulge with the “watch later” option or are sick of Netflix’s seemingly endless amounts of scrolling necessary to find something to watch. Subscribers can add over 2,000 titles to My List, so these new organizational filters will help a lot of people actually watch what they add to this list instead of consistently overlooking something.

Additionally, Netflix is moving upcoming releases to a new category. Instead of appearing in “New and Popular”, series and films premiering soon will show up in the “Coming Soon” section. This will be available soon to all subscribers, who can add upcoming selections to their My List collection. 

The changes are already available on Android devices. Over the upcoming weeks, Netflix will upgrade My List on iOS devices. Netflix hasn’t announced any plans to update the television app yet, but it’s fairly certain it will add this new feature across its entire streaming platform at some point.

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