Cord Cutters News

Netflix Now Charges Extra For Ultra HD 4K



If you want to see 4K Ultra HD from Netflix you will have to sign up for the $11.99 a month “family” plan if you are a new member. Netflix said the move was to help cover the cost of 4K content. There is a lot of truth in the fact that it costs a lot more to offer 4K. Ultra HD content is 7GB for each hour watched.

Netflix dose have a small but growing catalog of content in 4K. Some of their most popular shows are in 4K including ‘House of Cards,’ ‘Breaking Bad,’ ‘The Blacklist’ and a slate of upcoming Netflix original series. Netflix and many content companies see 4K as a possible next big step in TV. After the failed effort to make 3D a must have to push new TV purchases and higher TV packages 4K is seen as the best hope of TV manufactures. Surprisingly the leaders in 4K right now are Amazon Instant and Netflix.

Amazon Instant launches their 4K streaming service this month. Samsung is building Amazon Instant into their 4K TVs in an effort to promote the TVs. One of the big down falls of 3D was lack of content and Samsung hopes Amazon can be the salutation for 4K. Surprisingly TV manufactures are not pushing cable to adapt 4K but Netflix and Amazon.

Clearly major TV manufactures see the future is online.

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