Cord Cutters News

Net Neutrality Is Officially Dead Today… Now What?

Today is the official end of net neutrality rules that had previously been imposed by the FCC. With this change, the internet moves from being a Title II service to a Title I service. This, in short, returns the internet to the rules it operated at prior to 2015. Now The Federal Trade Commision (FTC) has control over internet regulations instead of the FCC.

Many have asked what this means for cord cutting. Well, cord cutting existed before net neutrality and will exist after net neutrality. For now it means nothing has changed but we do need to watch and see if ISPs try to make any changes to their rules and see what rules the FTC makes to manage the internet.

I became a cord cutter in 2012, so for most of my time as a cord cutter there was no net neutrality; however, we are already seeing a flood of stories saying it will now be impossible to become a cord cutter or stream content. The stories all end the same way: You might as well just sign up for cable TV today.

Remember where many of these stories come from. The majority have close ties to the cable industry. Also, negative news stories bring a huge number of views that turn into a lot of money. Make sure to take them with a grain of salt and don’t throw in the towel on some perceived threat.

What can you do to help pass new net neutrality bills? Right now there are bills in several states across the country. Other states have bills being written to address net neutrality concerns. There are even efforts in the house and senate to restore net neutrality.

What can you do to help save net neutrality?

Call Your Representative

For years I have said the best way to protect net neutrality is to have a law to protect it, not an FCC rule. I highly suggest you call your representatives and tell them how important net neutrality is to you. You can find the phone number for your representatives in the house and senate by entering your zip code HERE.

Make sure to be polite on the phone. Remember you are likely going to speak with a staffer and being rude will do nothing but hurt your cause.

Write Your Representative

Now that you have called, send a polite letter clearly laying out why you think net neutrality should be saved. Take a few minutes and make it a good letter sent the old fashioned way through the mail. You will find this a far more effective method than sending an email.

You can find the mailing address of your representatives and senators by entering your zip code HERE.

Please remember the best way to let your voice be heard is to reach out directly to the people who can do something about net neutrality. In this case, your representatives in the house and senate.


There are numerous petitions out there right now to save net neutrality. Be careful about some of them because they are sites I have never heard of asking for a lot of personal information.

Always be careful of sites asking for a ton of personal information.

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