Cord Cutters News

G4 is Coming Back on November 16 & Will Stream on Philo

Seven years after going dark and over a year after hearing the channel would be coming back, we now know that G4 is returning on November 16. The channel will be available on Xfinity TV, Cox, and Verizon Fios and will be streaming on Philo.

G4 teased its return last summer during Comic-Con@Home, releasing a trailer ending with “2021.” Now, G4 has given fans an update via Twitter.

A message on the redesigned G4 website says:

You wake up and are looking at a G4 website.

Maybe you’re a fan from way back. Maybe your friend told you to come here to get a free t-shirt. Well, the t-shirts are all gone, but we’ve got this super cool “About Us” article you’re reading, so that’s something. The most important thing is, yes, G4 IS BACK.

This dimension’s G4 relaunch is not yet available.

And gives us a look at what’s coming (and what’s not coming) to the channel.

Like for real. It’s really coming back. There’s a website with a fancy purple shape design with stars in it and everything. You might be asking, “Why relaunch a TV network about video games now? We already have Twitch and YouTube!” Great question, we’ll think about it. In the meantime, here’s what we CAN tell you…

G4 is a digital first network going live in 2021.

The network will feature gaming and pop culture shows plus epic live special programming. And an alpaca every now and then.

It will look awesome, but also kind of low budget at the same time.

We’re doubling down on reruns of COPS and Cheaters.

Okay, that last one was a joke. The rest is true.

G4 launched in 2002 with a nonstop week-long Pong marathon, which the teaser trailer gave a nod to, and shut down at the end of 2014. During it’s time on the air, G4 hosted shows including Attack of the Show, Screen Savers, and X-Play.

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