Cord Cutters News

fuboTV Announces Expansion into Sports Wagering, New Agreements with Epix and Starz

fuboTV released its Q3 financial report today, announcing that the streaming service has surpassed 455,000 subscribers for the third quarter of 2020. In a webinar following the report, fuboTV also shared news about new partnerships and future plans for the service.

David Gandler, Co-founder and CEO of fuboTV, commented again that fuboTV is the “premiere” streaming service for sports fans. “People come to fubo for the sports,” he repeated. It was noted during the call that a larger percentage of fuboTV subscribers watch sports every week, allowing fuboTV to more easily justify its monthly cost as the cost of sports channels like ESPN are more evenly spread across the service’s subscriber base.

To build on that sports-centered focus, fuboTV will be getting into the sports wagering business. Gandler commented that the goal of expanding into this area was to bring in revenue, commenting that sports wagering will be “an important contributor to our business.”

Gandler says the company has already started executing its strategy around sports wagering and we should be getting more details soon.

fuboTV also announced today that it has reached new content agreements with Epix and Starz, with the premium channels coming to fuboTV as add-ons before the end of the year.

“Come for the sports, stay for the entertainment,” Gandler commented when asked what sets fuboTV apart from the competition.

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