Cord Cutters News

Cord Cutting Is Growing Faster Than Ever

Cutting the cable connection to coax connector illustrating retired people cancelling cable TV serviceRecently talk has been about how the growth of cord cutting is slower than analysts expected. While it may be true that it is slower than some analysts had expected, it is still growing faster than ever.

In the first quarter of 2018, cable TV networks had their worst quarter ever according to a report from the research group Kagan: 0.8% of all traditional pay-TV subscribers canceled their subscriptions with Comcast and Charter, accounting for 59% of all cable TV losses.

Just looking at traffic seems to point to continued growth. In May 2018, set a record for traffic. Not just overall traffic but also traffic from new and returning readers too.

Although traffic to may not be a scientific estimate of cord cutting growth, it does clearly point to growing interest in learning more about the world of cord cutting.

So why is cord cutting growth slower than expected?

While cord cutting is smashing our site’s growth records and growing faster than ever, there is truth to the argument that it is growing slower than expected. Many are pointing to a strong economy putting more money in American’s pockets.

With unemployment setting record lows and wages going up it is making many Americans think less about what they spend on bills like cable TV; however, while more Americans have jobs and are making more cord cutting is still growing faster than ever.

Right now the future of cord cutting looks bright, and it seems that not even a growing economy will slow it down.

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