Cord Cutters News

Comcast Could be Broken Up Into Smaller Companies if One U.S. Congressman Has His Way

This week Congressman Bobby Rush sent a letter to Comcast’s CEO Brian Roberts that included how he wants to break up Comcast into smaller companies. This comes from a report over at Deadline who obtained a copy of the letter.

“Comcast has enjoyed the largesse – as has the cable industry, in general – of the African­American and other minority communities and has reached such prominence that it now disregard these communities with a cold, callous corporate insensitivity that is stultifying, arrogant, harmful, and intensely painful,” writes Rep. Bobby Rush in a letter last night to Comcast CEO Brian Roberts.

“Simply put, it is my belief that the Comcast Corporation needs to be broken up,” said the Illinois Democratic Congressman, who sits on the influential Energy and Commerce Committee who also chairs its consumer protection subcommittee.

This all comes as Comcast and the Department of Justice lawyers will face off in the Supreme Court over a $20 billion discrimination lawsuit against the NBCUniversal owner. A growing number of elected officials have become conversed over Comcast recently including its talks with STARZ. Congress does not have the power to force Comcast to break up but they could hold hearings and issue subpoenas that could force Comcast to open up information they would rather not share.

So far no official investigation has started but the drumbeat about Comcast is growing louder in Washington D.C., and the Department of Justice has even opened an informal investigation into Comcast and its talks with STARZ. Exactly where this ends is unknown but the pressure is growing.

Do you think Comcast should be broken up? Leave us a comment and let us know.

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