Cord Cutters News

After Canceling Cable TV, Cord Cutters Save $115.35 a Month on Average

Scissors cutting a computer wire on gray background (wireless or blackout concept)

Cutting the cable connection to coax connector illustrating people cancelling cable TV serviceYesterday the results of a study conducted by Lendedu looked at what cord cutters really save after they cancel traditional pay TV.

Cord cutters on average save $115.34 per month, according to the study, where they talked with 500 cord cutters and 500 traditional pay-TV customers.

This is something many of our readers likely already knew, but it is nice to see it in writing, especially with the growing effort to push the narrative that cord cutting costs more than cable TV.

According to the report, the average cord cutter saves about $1,383.96 every year. Over 30 years that will add up to $41,518.90, which is enough money to pay off the average debt from a for-profit college. (On average a for-profit college student will leave school with $39,950 in student loans.)

So the question now is what will you do with your savings? Are you paying off debt? Saving for a vacation? Leave us a comment and let us know what you think you will be spending your savings on as a cord cutter.

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