Cord Cutters News

Amazon’s Alexa is Adding Audible Notifications For Breaking News – Here is How to Turn Them Off

Do you own an Amazon Alexa device like an Echo Show? You may find yourself hearing a notification sound more often. This week, Cord Cutters News has confirmed that Echo Shows have started sending audible notifications for breaking news even when you are playing music.

Unlike the cards that show on the screen with breaking news, these notifications come in like a weather alert. Cord Cutters News heard the notification alert in our office this week. When we asked what the notification is for, the Echo shows a story and reads the headline, followed by Alexa asking if you want to hear more about the topic or other breaking news stories.

Amazon has confirmed to Cord Cutters News that these notifications are part of Amazon’s Interesting Stories feature. This feature picks what they think will be interesting stories to you and give you a notification alert about them.

It’s one of the way Amazon is trying to make Alexa more of an important part of your life. But for some, the number of notifications, which include new items on sales and other recommendations, might be too much.

If you don’t want these notifications, you can turn them off by going into the Alexa settings in your Alexa app. Under notifications, there is a new topic called interesting stories. Turning that off will stop these notifications. You can also turn them off in-the-moment of the notification on your echo device, according to Amazon.

You can stop some Amazon notifications like re-order suggestions. Here is how to do that:

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