Cord Cutters News

5 Ways to Save Money in 2023 After You Cut The Cord

A young woman is sitting in her kitchen and is loking at her receipts at home while using a smart phone

So it’s 2023 and you are already a cord cutter so how can you save even more money? Today we are going to look at 5 ways you can save money in 2023 after you cut the cord. 

#1 Review Your Subscriptions 

Are you paying for subscriptions you don’t use? Do you even have any idea how many subscriptions you are paying for? Not just for streaming services but all subscriptions to music, shopping, gyms, and more. 

Maybe it is time to sit down and write out all of the subscriptions you are currently paying for. Add them all up and decide if you really need all of them.

One tip I found very helpful is to rotate subscriptions to streaming services. Pay for Paramount+ this month, allowing me to binge watch all those shows, and next month I can pay for Netflix to binge watch all the shows there. 

You don’t need to pay for a service all year to enjoy all that it has to offer. 

#2 Maybe it is Time to Consider Ads… 

Ok we all hate ads but they can be a great way to cut your TV bills. Even Netflix now offers an ad supported option that lets you save money in exchange for a few ads every hour. 

Or maybe it is time to ditch one or two paid streaming services in exchange for free ad supported ones like Pluto TV, Tubi, Freeview, The Roku Channel and more. These services are 100% free with a ton of great content without the monthly bill. 

#3 Avoid Impulse Buying

Stores are built to tempt you into buying something you didn’t plan to buy. You may want to consider doing more of your shopping online using services like Walmart+ to deliver your groceries. This avoids the temptation to buy that well placed high priced tasty treat that the store puts in your path to tempt you into buying something you don’t need. 

What about major purchases? Always try to give yourself a cool down period for any major purchases to help avoid impulse buying. It may take an extra trip back to the store but just because you saw a great deal on an appliance doesn’t mean you need to buy it that day. 

#4 Lower Your Cellphone Bill

Have you really looked at your cell phone bill recently? It is very easy to pay over $200 or more for a family plan with most carriers. Maybe it is time to consider other services or different plans.

Do you really use everything your plans have to offer? Do you need all of that hot spot data? Are there new cheaper plans out there?

Maybe it’s time to consider other services like a prepaid option that most major carriers offer or switching to a bundle deal with your ISP or a 3rd partner provider like Boost. 

Spending the time to do a little bit of research could save you a lot every year. 

#5 Have a Budget

You will be surprised at how much money is wasted on small things when you don’t have a budget. It’s very easy to just spend $10 here and $20 there without tracking it. Before you know it, over a month’s time you have spent hundreds or thousands of dollars. 

If you want to save money just tracking how you spend, it will help you avoid overspending on things you don’t need. So it may seem small, but just tracking your money will help you save money.

I recommend Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Planner as a great starting point if you are new to budgeting. You can find it on Amazon HERE. 

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